Don Whitley Scientific prepare a H135 for a land down under!

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Don Whitley Scientific prepare a H135 for a land down under!

All wrapped up and ready to go – the Whitley H135 HEPA Hypoxystation ready for Australia.

One of the biggest workstations in the Whitley Hypoxystation range, the H135 is being dispatched for use in Australia. It will be joined to a Whitley i2 Instrument Workstation, creating a huge workstation that offers a range of possibilities to the user. The Whitley i2 Instrument Workstation will house the Seahorse Extracellular Flux (XF) Analyzer. The i2 was developed as demand grew for a Hypoxystation with enough room inside to fit such an instrument.

The workstation will reside in a core facility at The University of Sydney, and will provide required research conditions for various students and research associates. Both the H135 and i2 workstations are large enough to accommodate a variety of scientific instruments. This is made all the more possible as both units are fitted with removable fronts, which also facilitates easy cleaning of the workstations.

A video focusing on the key features of the H135 HEPA Hypoxystation can be found here.


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