Whitley Microaerobic Workstations are designed for isolation, culture, and manipulation of microaerophiles, which are microorganisms that require oxygen to survive, but less than that present in atmospheric air [1]. Since these microaerophiles struggle to grow at ambient oxygen levels and in anaerobic conditions, microaerobic workstations are ideal as they allow easy manipulation of oxygen levels to optimise growth [1].
Helicobacter pylori is one of the many microorganisms that has been successfully grown and isolated in a Whitley Microaerobic Workstation. H. pylori is a Gram-negative rod that resides in the stomach of approximately 50% of people [2]. For most people, H. pylori is a harmless commensal, but in some cases, the bacteria can travel to and damage the columnar epithelial cells of the stomach leading to gastric and peptic ulcer disease [2]. This is characterised by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and indigestion [2]. If damage continues to a detrimental level, then this can progress to stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer, meaning that this is an incredibly important bacteria to study [2]. Optimum conditions for H. pylori growth can be provided with a microaerobic workstation which operates from four separate gases. Optimum growth temperature for H. pylori is 37oC in an atmosphere of 2-5% O2 with an additional need for 5-10% CO2 [3],[4]. Recovery and growth rate of many H. pylori strains is further enhanced by the presence of 2-3% H2 [5] [6]. High humidity is also necessary; this can be provided by a Whitley microaerobic workstation and automatic humidification is an optional accessory [4]. Whitley microaerobic workstations provide precise control of all the environmental parameters critical for H. pylori growth.
- microaerophile [Internet]. TheFreeDictionary.com. 2021 [cited 26 October 2021]. Available from: https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/microaerophile
- S. Parikh N, Ahlawat R. Helicobacter Pylori. StatPearls; 2021. Available from: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534233/
- Pina-Pérez M, González A, Moreno Y, Ferrús M. Helicobacter pylori growth pattern in reference media and extracts from selected minimally processed vegetables. Food Control. 2018;86:389-396.
- G. Kusters J, M. van Vliet A, J. Kuipers E. Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2006;19(3):449-490.
- Olson J, Maier R. Molecular Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Helicobacter pylori. Science. 2002;298(5599):1788-1790.
- Azevedo N, Pacheco A, Keevil C, Vieira M. Nutrient Shock and Incubation Atmosphere Influence Recovery of Culturable Helicobacter pylori from Water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2004;70(1):490-493.