Perfect Workstation For Your Helicobacter Pylori

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Perfect Workstation For Your Helicobacter Pylori

Whitley Microaerobic Workstations are designed for isolation, culture, and manipulation of microaerophiles, which are microorganisms that require oxygen to survive, but less than that present in atmospheric air [1]. Since these microaerophiles struggle to grow at ambient oxygen levels and in anaerobic conditions, microaerobic workstations are ideal as they allow easy manipulation of oxygen levels to optimise growth [1].

Helicobacter pylori is one of the many microorganisms that has been successfully grown and isolated in a Whitley Microaerobic Workstation. H. pylori is a Gram-negative rod that resides in the stomach of approximately 50% of people [2]. For most people, H. pylori is a harmless commensal, but in some cases, the bacteria can travel to and damage the columnar epithelial cells of the stomach leading to gastric and peptic ulcer disease [2]. This is characterised by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and indigestion [2]. If damage continues to a detrimental level, then this can progress to stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer, meaning that this is an incredibly important bacteria to study [2]. Optimum conditions for H. pylori growth can be provided with a microaerobic workstation which operates from four separate gases. Optimum growth temperature for H. pylori is 37oC in an atmosphere of 2-5% O2 with an additional need for 5-10% CO2 [3],[4]. Recovery and growth rate of many H. pylori strains is further enhanced by the presence of 2-3% H2 [5] [6]. High humidity is also necessary; this can be provided by a Whitley microaerobic workstation and automatic humidification is an optional accessory [4]. Whitley microaerobic workstations provide precise control of all the environmental parameters critical for H. pylori growth.


  1. microaerophile [Internet]. 2021 [cited 26 October 2021]. Available from:
  2. S. Parikh N, Ahlawat R. Helicobacter Pylori. StatPearls; 2021. Available from:
  3. Pina-Pérez M, González A, Moreno Y, Ferrús M. Helicobacter pylori growth pattern in reference media and extracts from selected minimally processed vegetables. Food Control. 2018;86:389-396.
  4. G. Kusters J, M. van Vliet A, J. Kuipers E. Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2006;19(3):449-490.
  5. Olson J, Maier R. Molecular Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Helicobacter pylori. Science. 2002;298(5599):1788-1790.
  6. Azevedo N, Pacheco A, Keevil C, Vieira M. Nutrient Shock and Incubation Atmosphere Influence Recovery of Culturable Helicobacter pylori from Water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2004;70(1):490-493.

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