World Environment Day 2024

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World Environment Day 2024

To celebrate World Environment Day 2024, we wanted to share our journey in becoming a more environmentally conscious company.

Since attaining the ISO 14001 standard in November 2020, we have engaged in various projects to work towards building a more sustainable future, one of which is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. One of our most notable efforts to meet this goal is through the Oblong Trees initiative where trees are planted for each DWS employee to help reduce our carbon footprint and combat deforestation and climate change.

Treescape from Oblong Trees

Oblong Treescape

In addition to the Oblong Trees initiative, we have also revised and adjusted our policies in the workplace to emphasise how we can minimise our environmental impact. These include using recyclable packaging, reducing paper usage, ordering recyclable giveaways, providing staff with sustainable clothing and using electric vehicles.

Incorporating eco-friendly practices into our business marks a crucial milestone in our mission for a more sustainable future. While the climate crisis presents many challenges, we believe that with every action we take we can help shape a brighter tomorrow.


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